24. 4. 2023

Most energy-efficient company

1 min. čitanja

At the 25th conference of energy experts ‘Dnevi energetikov’ held on 18 and 19 April, the Slovenian business daily Finance awarded best energy projects and most energy efficient companies. Krka won the title of the most energy-efficient company in the opinion of the pollsters and internet users alike.

Technical Director Matej Bašelj (second from the right), Energy Supply Manager Mitja Smešnik (third from the right) and Head of Primary Energy Supply Srečko Križman (first from the right) received the awards on behalf of Krka.

We received the two awards for integrated, efficient and sustainable management of energy and natural resources, which reduced specific energy consumption and cut emission of hothouse gasses. We save more than 50 GWh of electricity and natural gas per year. We switched to zero-carbon electric power, reducing CO2 emissions by 45,000 tonnes. This is the same as if we had planted 17,000 trees. We generate more than 50% of the required thermal power by waste heat recovery.

We intend to pursue excellence in energy and natural resource management system through improvements and new investment at the Krka Group level also in the future.