At Krka, knowledge is a value. Krka employees form a dynamic and development-oriented environment in which young people can gain valuable experience and skills.
- Maintain balanced gender structure of all employees and senior managers and continue to pursue the policy of equal employment opportunities regardless of gender and age.
- Raise awareness of sustainability perspectives and sustainable operations through planned education of employees and internal and external incentives.
- Apply safety measures and mitigate risks in order to constantly decrease the number of injuries sustained at work, occupational diseases and other extraordinary events.
Proportion of employees trained in corporate compliance and human rights: All employees every 2 years
Proportion of the Krka Group employees regarded as key and high-potential employees (in %) : min. 10
Proportion of revenue allocated for education (in %): 0.50
Training hours per employee: 40
Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR): < 5
Lost Workday Rate (LWDR): < 100
Number of fire drills: > 45
Hours of training in health and safety at work: > 10,000